Page last updated February 17, 2004


Download Tide Tool

Version 2.1c, 830,263 bytes, posted 1/23/03I


  1. If you encounter problems installing or running Tide Tool, feel free to delete the files in disgust, but please email me and report the problem, so I can fix it.  Thanks. (If you want to solve the problem, please read the FAQ first.)

  2. Tide Tool uses unverified tide and current data which comes from many sources and has not been exhaustively tested. Check Tide Tool against your local tide tables to verify the data for your location.  Do not rely exclusively on this software where safety of life and property is at risk. 

The source code for Version 2.1a is available under the terms of the Gnu General Public License. Among other things, this means that you can not use it for any commercial product. Sorry.

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