TBHL V Survey Results

These are the results of a survey taken among the on-line Porsche Boxster community in June 2001 to help plan future TBHL gatherings. The authors caution that these results are subject to interpretation and should be considered together with the survey report.

There were n=164 valid responses to the survey. Percentages may not always add to 100% because of rounding, and because not everyone answered every question.

Which TBHL events have you attended? TBHL I 10%  TBHL II  33%  TBHL III 35%   TBHL IV 36%
(Attended one or more TBHLs: 59%)

If you considered attending one or more TBHLs, but decided not to, please indicate how important the following factors were in your decision not to attend: (n=134 responded to this section)

1) The location in Las Vegas is too far away from where I live Very important 25%  Somewhat important 25%  Not a factor 49%
2) The time of year is inconvenient for me Very important 12%  Somewhat important  25% Not a factor 63%
3) By the time I paid for hotels, travel, and so forth, it would have cost too much Very important 10%  Somewhat important 32%  Not a factor 58%
4) My spouse, partner, or other family members weren't interested Very important 11%  Somewhat important 31%  Not a factor 59%
5) The activities at the event didn't appeal to me Very important 11%  Somewhat important 42%  Not a factor 48%

6) Any other important reasons?

How seriously are you considering attending next year'sTBHL? Very seriously 35%  Somewhat seriously 37%  A little 23%  Not at all 6%

For each of the following, indicate whether it would make you more or less likely to attend the next TBHL.

IMPORTANT: We would like to know what would make you more or less likely to come to a TBHL. For example, if you enjoy tech sessions, but would be just as likely to come to TBHL whether or not it has a tech session, mark that question "Neutral".
If TBHL V is somewhere other than Las Vegas: Much more likely to attend 25%   More likely 28%   Neutral 35%
            Less likely 
6%   Much less likely to attend 7%
(Where else might you like it to be?):
If more PPBB "personalities" are there (Chuck/Porsche Pete, frequent posters, etc.) Much more likely to attend 11%   More likely 22%   Neutral 67%
            Less likely
0%   Much less likely to attend 0%
If you get to meet lots of other Boxster Board people, whether you recognize them from the Board or not: Much more likely to attend 12%   More likely 47%   Neutral 41%
           Less likely
0%   Much less likely to attend 0%
If there are one or more scenic group drives: Much more likely to attend 23%   More likely 59%   Neutral 18%
           Less likely
1%   Much less likely to attend 0%
If there is a concours (spiffed-up car show): Much more likely to attend 7%   More likely 30%   Neutral 55%
           Less likely
7%   Much less likely to attend 1%
If there is an exhibit of vendors of aftermarket Boxster products: Much more likely to attend 21%   More likely 50%   Neutral 24%
           Less likely
2%   Much less likely to attend 2%
If there is a tech session: Much more likely to attend 30%   More likely 43%   Neutral 24%
           Less likely
2%   Much less likely to attend 1%
If there is an autocross or other track driving event: Much more likely to attend 30%   More likely 29%   Neutral 35%
           Less likely
3%   Much less likely to attend 2%
If there is more time for informal socializing with other Boxster attendees: Much more likely to attend 13%   More likely 45%   Neutral 39%
           Less likely
2%   Much less likely to attend 0%

If Bob Chapman does another set of photo shoots:

Much more likely to attend 26%   More likely 29%   Neutral 44%
             Less likely
1%   Much less likely to attend 0%

If the event is co-hosted with a local PCA region:

Much more likely to attend  6%  More likely  30%  Neutral 53%
             Less likely
6%  Much less likely to attend 4%

If the event lasts longer than Friday night through Sunday noon:

Much more likely to attend 9%   More likely 20%  Neutral 43%
             Less likely
21%  Much less likely to attend 7%

If the event is not held on a special day like Mother's Day:

Much more likely to attend  25% More likely 32%  Neutral 39%
             Less likely
1%   Much less likely to attend 3%
If the activities for TBHL V are pretty much the same as TBHL IV: Much more likely to attend 4%  More likely 6%  Neutral 63%
             Less likely
14%  Much less likely to attend 13%
If TBHL V is within a day's drive of my home: Much more likely to attend 52%  More likely 26% Neutral 20%
             Less likely
1%  Much less likely to attend 1%
If TBHL V is two days' drive from my home: Much more likely to attend  4% More likely 23%  Neutral 33%
             Less likely
22%  Much less likely to attend 18%
If TBHL V is three days' drive from my home: Much more likely to attend 1%  More likely 3% Neutral 21%
             Less likely
23% Much less likely to attend 53%
If I can caravan with other Boxsters: Much more likely to attend  22% More likely 47% Neutral 31%
             Less likely  
0% Much less likely to attend 0%
If there are pre- or post-TBHL events to attend (Sedona gathering, Death Valley, etc): Much more likely to attend  8% More likely  37% Neutral 53%
             Less likely
0% Much less likely to attend 2

If the hotel rooms are inexpensive:

Much more likely to attend 12%  More likely 30%  Neutral 51%
             Less likely
5%  Much less likely to attend 2%

Please provide the following information about yourself:

I live in or near:
My age is: Under 35 21% 35-50 55%  51-65 21%  Over 65 2%
I am: Male 93% Female  7%
I am a PCA member: Yes, active 38% Yes, not real active 39% No  23%
I would probably come: Alone 23% With spouse 56% With someone else 21%
I prefer to drive: 10 over the limit 28% 20 over the limit 26% What limit? 47%
I got my Boxster: New  92% Used 8%
On Porsche Pete's Boxster Board, I am a: Frequent poster (3+ times a week) 35%Occasional poster 52% Lurker 13%
I have participated on PPBB for: 3 years or more 40% 2 years 29% 1 year 20%Less than 1 year 11%
If you have attended TBHL before, how long was your drive? 4 hours or less 14% 1 day 49% 2 days 19%More than 2 days 7%
I flew (in a plane)
If you have attended TBHL before, did you caravan: With a planned group 58% Met a group 16% Drove alone 26%


Note:  THBL - The Boxsters Have Landed - is a worldwide gathering of Porsche Boxster owners, organized on Porsche Pete's Boxster Board and held for the last four years in Las Vegas. The original TBHL concept as defined by Betty Choate and Mark Lysinger was a Las Vegas based event for Boarders to meet, dine and perhaps enjoy one or two pleasure drives around Las Vegas. As TBHL has grown, an integral part of the event for Alumni and long distance travelers from Canada, Utah, Texas and beyond is to take part in a scenic Caravan on the way to or from TBHL. For more information, see the TBHL web site, especially the history page.